COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Coming from my friend who works in a hospital on why they aren’t testing.
First, if you say you test you have hundreds of people who show up for testing with no symptoms. It’s allergy season, yes you have a sore throat, your eyes water just like every other year. Go home

next they only have a limited number of tests, which they are using to confirm people who are critical and need admission. If you have a mild case, stay home and don’t infect others

also, what is that test going to tell you? That you’re sick, guess what you already know that. There’s no treatment, no medicine, so self isolate and try not to die, or infect others.
Also, if one member of your household has it, chances are incredibly high that everyone else in your family does too. So go home.

Yes this is exactly how i understand this. That is what is bothering me about what i am seeing in New York. The stats say that most of the people flooding the hospitals there probably have mild systems. The press and top officials have been telling everyone to stay home basically until you have fever for more than three days and can’t breathe. Am i right? That seemed to be the protocol a week ago. Has something changed? I’m glad they finally set up tents for the mild symptoms but really they shouldn’t even have to do that. Resources are getting wasted and it’s disturbing to me that the general public doesn’t get that they are most likely spreading it more by going to the doctor or hospital and all for nothing except a positive test that tells them what they already know.