COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

More people need to go to something like the Grocery Pickup that Walmart offers. I used it yesterday for the first time and absolutely loved it. Going into it, I was not keen on the idea of having someone else pick out my stuff, but it was a great experience. If Walmart could hire more workers to focus on this service, they could close or strictly limit the number of shoppers coming into the actual store.
One stupid thing I've noticed is how they've (well Target) limited what items you can order and pick up, vs what you have to go into the store to get. You literally have to go into the store to get soap, TP, etc. It's like, don't you want us to avoid going in the stores?? Just control the inventory, only allow people to buy one of certain things, and boom.. it works out better.