COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I understand what St. PJ is saying...... I am sure most of you all do as well... and if you folks stop trying to pick apart his post for a second... I think most of you would agree with the premise of what he's saying, and maybe disagree with some finer debatable parts of his opinion about it... most of which are unknowns (even by the most "plugged in" people that are on the front lines of this) at this point and a matter of opinion and educated deduction of how future events will play out...

Is every number being reported valid? Who knows... Probably not by a long shot. Of every confirmed case where someone has been tested, hospitalized, ventilated, or died (or all of the above)... there are probably exponentially more cases where someone has it, experiences little to no symptoms, never gets tested, never gets hospitalized, and recovers without treatment (and is never part of these numbers)... so how could they be accurate from a pure numbers or percentage standpoint? We can estimate and guess based on other factors or scenarios... but those are also just that... a guess.

It makes sense that the numbers will never be close to 100% right until everyone it tested... and if we never get to test everyone... they will never be 100% accurate...

In fact, WWL showed a stat last night that... In LA only ~700 people per 100,000 has been tested for this... I'm not a math major.... but that means as a state we have tested less than >1% of our population.... and the national numbers are far less tested on average... that means that it's completely plausible that there is huge portion of the country that has the virus, has not been tested, and feels good enough to not be tested.... which totally skews the current numbers we see today...

So what he's saying is just as good as guess as anyone's... and his argument has merit..... even if you disagree with his deduction.

Can't wait until this is over so we can go back to arguing over which rich old guy we all hate the least.

Much love, stay safe, stay home... Out.

This is my sentiments and very well said, its almost as if anyone with any sort of optimism is just wrong and is just waiting to be pounced on from a Tiger. When in reality, none of us know, its all a guessing game, for every scientist or doctor you find, you always have another one contradicting the other, its what you choose to cherry pick and we dont know so cherry picking works on both sides of the fence.

While your premises are true, I have personally seen enough images of dead bodies being loaded into freezer trucks and have also seen enough images and videos of people lined up outside of hospitals, as well as images of entire maternity wards that were forced to be outside for me to roll my eyes at any post that tries to downplay the seriousness of what is going on. Regardless of the unknowable numbers, it should be crystal clear by now to literally everyone that what is going on right now on our planet is a huge huge deal. Hundreds upon hundreds of Americans dying every day, thousands upon thousands of fellow humans dying across the globe every day from this specific virus should not be downplayed in any way whatsoever at this stage.

Anyone downplaying the severity of things at this point is simply not paying close enough attention.