Ozark season 3 this Friday 3/27/2020

I have to be the only person that wasn't a fan of the ben character. Me and the wife had some conversations about it and I really thought his parts were too drawn out and kind of a side road from the show. The whole taxi scene was just promoting he had fell off the wagon which I think had already been established...just felt un-needed to me. My wife loved the character....me not so much. I guess I can see where there there are loose ends there and I'd maybe see a point where he wasn't dead but that's also a huge thing Marty would've hid from Helen while consoling her. Not sure it works. I hope he's gone haha
Nope you’re not alone. I didn’t like the character or his story arc.

That has rattled some folks as it doesn’t align with their thinking but it is what it is.