New Orleans And the All Star Game...

I think the problem is more along the lines of a.) they weren't very good before the storm. b.) The whole deal with our owner and OKC was pretty disgusting. It soured a lot of people regardless if you want to believe that or not.

The Saints actually did something right and came home at the right time. Think about it, all of the buzz when the Saints came back. The anticipation of the first home game back was a lot more than the Hornets. I support the Hornets when I can and did so before the storm when I was still in the area. But I don't fault people for having a bitter taste after the whole issue with OKC. But if the organization would just come out and say we want to be here forever I guarantee attendance would be great. Shinn will never do that though. He makes blanket statements and the fans just want him to commit. Same with Benson, he needs to commit long term. But comparing the NBA vs. NFL is impossible.

With all of that said, if they keep winning and are able to compete as they have shown then more and more people will start going. Winning changes a lot of things. Also they should look at a more regional approach for ticket sales, which they may do already but that is one thing that has been helping the Saints.

Anyway, I don't keep up as much with the Hornets as I used to so I may be wrong on some issues. But that would be my guesses as to why the attendance is the way it is. Just win and more people will show up. Not just a 9-2 start.