COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)
I think there needs to be more discussion on how we can continue to mitigate the spread of the virus while we start to open things up. The argument shouldn't be stay home indefinitely or return to normal immediately. The stay home orders were a response to a rapidly unfolding situation, but they were never going to be the long term answer. Meanwhile, there's a narrative starting to get pushed that it was all overblown (apparently oblivious to the 40000+ dead in the last month with most of the country under stay home orders) that could put us back into that situation.
We need to be looking at and talking about how we can move forward with our lives while expecting that the virus could be with us for the next couple of years (i.e. avoiding large crowds, masks in public, abundance of hand sanitizer, maintaining personal distancing, etc.). It shouldn't be about sacrificing lives vs. livelihoods, but more so about what sacrifices in conveniences we can make that allow us to protect both.