I don't disagree that LaToya is currently going off the rails. But, I think up to this point, she has been doing an okay job in this crisis. As far as opening up, I'm not sure that we are on a 14 day downward trend although I could be wrong. I have been trying to find a good graph for just Orleans over the last 14 days and I can't find one so maybe we are.
That being said, I don't have an issue with opening up to elective medical procedures at this point if the hospitals in New Orleans are saying they are ready.
But as far as other regional leaders, I guess input is always a good thing, but the same things aren't going to apply in each area of the region. The concerns and demographics are different. And, it's not like J.P., St. Tammy, St. Bernard, etc. consulted with Orleans on anything now or in the past. And, I think LaToya is listening to the city health coordinator who is a doctor. And, the City Counsel, several of which I think are much better at all of this than LaToya seems to be behind her so I don't think she's going totally off the rails in that she has consensus from the City Council. (Probably not so much on the current order for NOPD to conduct pretextual stops.)
And yeah, she is pissed off and digging her heels in which she shouldn't be doing. But, at the same point, we have civic "leaders" like Jay Batt who feel the need to grandstand with ads in the newspaper to specifically try to undermine her authority. Her reaction is wrong, but nobody needs to hear from Jay Batt during a crisis.