COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

But we can't. That's the problem. Our culture has become too dominated by tribalism, echo chambers, group think, etc. to even maintain a responsible (and proven to work!) preventative measure during a pandemic. Once you've reached that point, the toothpaste is never going back in the tube.

At the start of this there were people talking about how it might bring us closer together. And instead, yet again, it has further exposed that we are not a unified population, but one wholly at odds with ourselves. And also full of mentally ill sad sacks that believe any conspiracy theory you throw at them, but that's a whole other issue.
I don't think it shows the majority of us are at odds with others.

There hasn't been a stasi enforcing the mitigation measures. Most people followed them voluntarily in consideration for their own safety and the safety of others.

The loudmouths, who desperately exaggerate everything so they can desperately draw attention to themselves with their whining and complaining, only make up a small percentage of our society. Unfortunately, they stillget the most public attention, because they screamingly demand it.

The oversized attention they get while desperately whining and complaining makes us seem more divided than most of us actually are.

If most of us thought and acted like the desperate, loudmouth whiners, none of the mitigation efforts would have been followed.

Most of us actually have pulled together as a community. Let's not let the desperate, whiny brats fool us into thinking otherwise.

I'm not normally this judgemental, but in this particular moment I've lost all tolerance for so called "adults" acting like 3 year olds.