COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

We are living this exact experience with my daughter. Turns 18 in early May, has been at home since March 13, graduation cancelled, 18th birthday party cancelled, senior trip to Hangout fest cancelled, all of it.
It's rough. Not 'hopsitalized with COVID-19' rough, but for a 17 year old, it's about as bad as it gets.

Not quite the same at my house, but my daughter turns 17 today. At least she didn't miss a graduation or senior prom, but she did miss having a ring ceremony, the junior prom, and a trip to the FIRST Robotics World Championship that they qualified for just a couple weeks before the world went crazy.

But she's a tough kid and tends to roll with the punches. Honestly, I have a lot of hope for her generation. They all seem so much more mature and level headed than I was at that age. Of course, it could just be that I'm lucky that she has a good circle of friends. She's a good kid. Obviously despite, not because of my parenting.