COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I'm not going to argue with you. You're a good guy and I know you mean well and are trying to share your knowledge.

It's just that that definition of small vs. not-small business isn't what is going on here. And whether the press is getting all the technical terms right or not and whether "not small businesses" should or shouldn't be getting the money, the fact is that lots of businesses that clearly are "small businesses" are not getting the money that was intended for them. And, even if everything is above board legally and morally (and I don't think it is with regard to morality), there needs to be more money made available for small businesses. That's clear even from the small sample size on this board.
Well, you didn't just start your original post with the information about SBA classifications. Instead you started with "About those Small Business Loans, I see the media tripping and falling all over themselves about large businesses getting the loans, etc." It set a bad tone for the rest of your post. If that wasn't a "gotcha" jab at the media, then I was mistaken. Whatever the intent, it did bring some good follow up posts. The official designations of business sizes is interesting, but doesn't excuse the abuse of the funds or how it was poorly set up to allow it to happen in the first place.
I see.
There's a lot of anger and misunderstanding about how the SBA system works.

Did you know there's a handy-dandy tool on that first link I shared that helps the business owner determine if he's operating a Small Business?
I tried to share my knowledge about how the SBA business classification system works.
I will not do that again.