Actually, the 100-200k is still reasonable within the bell curve.
We have seemingly reached the peak death rate across this country. Some were earlier, some are later. Not sure if we'll have a 1 day peak, but if so, that was yesterday or Monday.
So, we're approximately half way through the bell curve. We still have to go down. So, we're just shy of 48k deaths in the US. So, multiply that by 2, which is 96k dead. That's what we'll probably end up with as new cases slow down, and deaths slow down. That's assuming the down side of the curve is the same as the upside, which it won't be. it will be prolonged and skewed to the right, so we may easily end up with over 100k dead.
That's how you read those bell curve charts. It's not the max.
It's not like this curve just ends with a cliff.