COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Looking at the state and world maps, there are some things that just do not make sense (yet). The huge death toll in NYC compared to the rest of the country, or even the world, for example. If its about population density and close quarters, public transit, etc., then places like India with even greater density AND closer proximity to China should have tens of thousands of deaths. JHU report says just 21,000+ cases for India- that's almost fewer cases than Italy or NYC have *deaths*.

Maybe its lack of testing or fudging the numbers, I dunno.

I theorized that the NYC has a different strain of the virus, more virulent and more deadly than other strains in the rest of the country. More is now being written about this, so this may account for some of the differences.

Also, the earliest confirmed deaths are now from California, not Washington state as previously thought. As many here suspected, there was community spread in California predating the Washington cases. The severe lack of testing and super narrow requirements to get tested meant a whole lot of people being missed early on. Limiting it to only those recently visiting Wuhan was always a stupid idea.