COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

The new normal may not be the best phrase, but it encapsulates the idea. We need to re enter society in a controlled fashion.

I've been asking the question for weeks. How do we open up mass transit, air travel, hotels, theme parks, concerts, sports?

They won't all happen at the same time, but there needs to be a careful plan.

I told my hair dresser friend that she needs an N95 mask for work. Only because her patrons won't be able to wear masks while being fixed up. She needs to wash her hands, wipe down her station, and her scissors/clippers between customers. They already do this with combs and other things.

Told her if anyone looks or sounds sick, you cancel their appointment.

We need folks to remain steadfast on this. Many will. Many won't or can't.

Some will be much harder... how do you open a bar to the public? Night clubs? Screening? Gonna be a lonely year for a lot of
There are two main factors at play that I see
-Many of us a programmed for social nicities- it makes social distancing in public spaces awkward
-Then there is our ‘customer is king’ dynamic- that is going to have to die a quick death. Customers MUST adhere to rules or get kicked out immediately — and ALL businesses need to adhere. We can’t have some restaurants letting in unsafe numbers just to boost sales- the system would collapse pretty quickly