COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)
I don't think every American needs that money. You have a lot of people like me who have been unbelievably fortunate. I haven't lost any income and my wife is a SAHM so even when it's time to go back to the office I have no additional expenses. No sense in giving me something I don't need when it can go to others with a genuine need.
My opinion is to give more to the people who have lost work or have reduced hours because 2k won't touch what a lot of them have loss, even if it's in addition to unemployment. Instead of rent forgiveness pay the money to the landlords (you can leverage Sec 8 programs for distribution).
You can always set up tax credits for the rest of us if we have some kind of financial sting that's not as deep, but frankly I'm hearing so many stories from people really hurting, including people here, that I'd feel guilty getting 2k a month. I'm able to support myself and my adult children who are out of work right now, thank God. Not everyone is that fortunate.
Now if Uncle Sam wants to let me deduct what I've been giving the adult kids on my taxes next year because it took stress off the social welfare programs, count me in. ;)