COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

You can't just cancel rent and mortgages. You might be able to work it out with banks on Mortgage payments, but you still have taxes to pay. And rent, is often how your landlord survives too. I'm not jobbing my little old grandma I rent from. Now, I may have to talk to her about a temporary reduction in rent, but unless she's getting compensated elsewhere, her losing my rent payment would crush her financially, and she's retired.

And that's the fix we're in. We all expect to feel some financial pain. But that pain is not evenly distributed. Another "what did you expect?" facepalm after decades of policy-driven wealth accumulation towards the very top. And what's considered "pain" varies from individual to individual, too, I'd imagine. McScrooge losing one nickel might cause more trauma than someone used to doing without losing much greater amounts. :shrug:

I wonder how much of that we've been brainwashed into just accepting. Know your place. :(