COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

The new normal may not be the best phrase, but it encapsulates the idea. We need to re enter society in a controlled fashion.

I've been asking the question for weeks. How do we open up mass transit, air travel, hotels, theme parks, concerts, sports?

They won't all happen at the same time, but there needs to be a careful plan.

I told my hair dresser friend that she needs an N95 mask for work. Only because her patrons won't be able to wear masks while being fixed up. She needs to wash her hands, wipe down her station, and her scissors/clippers between customers. They already do this with combs and other things.

Told her if anyone looks or sounds sick, you cancel their appointment.

We need folks to remain steadfast on this. Many will. Many won't or can't.

Some will be much harder... how do you open a bar to the public? Night clubs? Screening? Gonna be a lonely year for a lot of

Quoting you here only because it illustrates a point we were both trying to make a day ago....yesterday, there was another 2,342 deaths in the U.S. attributed to COVD-19. We just can't seem to get under that 2,000 per day death range at this stage.

So, once again, it is great that the curve has flattened, but it is still a dire curve until it plummets significantly downward, and the country needs to remain very cognizant and reminded of that by its federal, state, and local governments.