COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I have lost a second cousin to the virus, a close friend's father to the virus, and currently have an aunt in critical condition at East Jefferson due to the virus and likely won't make it.

I should have put a lot more emphasis on my understanding of the situation in that sentence you highlighted, because I totally intended it to not sound as tone-deaf as you've taken it, so I apologize for that. That said, what I was attempting to illustrate there is that this is a HUGE problem that people are dying, and it is unacceptable numbers, so with that in mind, we should be administering measures to help curtail and minimize that number which is a relative small percentage, while still allowing a way for society and the economic system to function.

All I meant there is that this is a <2% dying problem versus a 50% or even 20% dying problem (<2% is a guess, as we know for certain that there is a significant number of cases where people did not qualify for testing and are doing just fine with, but they are not being accounted for in the reported numbers). If this was a 20% dying or 50% dying problem, then my entire premise and line of thought on this topic changes, as does probably everyone's.
Ahhh, well my brother, on that we can agree. If it's a difference between choosing 50% of the people dying or 20%, I would opt for the 20%. Either way, it's an ugly choice but I would opt for less death. Ughhh, this is all just terrible.