I appreciate your response, I really do but I will NEVER take an approach where the economy, no matter how terrible is worth more than the lives of people. It is ENTIRELY too dismissive. To say...
...is reprehensible to me. It's easy to say and only so when you think it won't be YOU or YOUR loved ones in that small percentage. It's like the people who say, the world is overpopulated and needs a culling, but NEVER think they should be in that group that is culled. If you were to ask me, would you take a 10 depression but your family survives or you lose your mother, father, brother, son, daughter, cousins and the economy is great, I WOULD TAKE MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS LIVING EVERY TIME. We can recover from the economic hardship. I can't recover from the death of my loved ones ESPECIALLY if it could have been prevented.
I am not attacking you, I wanna be clear on my tone. I guess this is just a philosophical issue. I will always choose lives over money. I know that may sound overly simplistic but I can't in good conscience take the other route, it's a dangerous and slippery slope.