COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

This is my fault, as I misspoke/misrepresented my intent in my original post but later addressed it in a couple of different posts after that one - I don't want this to happen immediately. What I envision is that local and federal leaders have been working behind the scenes on this for the past month already, and that over the next 30 to 60 days, it should continued to be worked on, and ultimately rolled out sometime by mid-June/early July once every single duck is in a row, to the most minute detail.

You announce you are working on that plan about 45 days out, then at about 30 days out, you begin informing people how this plan is going to look down to every little detail - for example, tell places such as barbershops and beauty salons or what have you to start scheduling appointments and such because we are allowing businesses to re-open on date x, but you have to stagger the appointments in x,y,z way moving forward, and do 'this, this, and this' during your normal business day operations.

Officials should essentially treat these next 60 days as if they are planning for a massive, nationwide grand re-opening event on July 1, and between now and then, you work out all the kinks until every single thing has been thought of and fleshed out.
The only thing I want to contest(and it is a BIG one) is that I would avoid putting any sort of timeline on anything.

The virus doesn’t care about any timeline and what is important is having all the ducks in a row structurally(social distancing polices, sufficient hospital capacity, trace and testing etc.) and having a sufficient confidence in case load diminishment, as inevitably cases rise when initially rolling back measures.

When all that is met, that is when you can talk about slowly easing restrictions and seeing how things go. One epidemiologist put it well, it’s like dipping your toe in the water and seeing how your body reacts, it it’s too cold you pull out for a bit, then come back and test it again, do it until you can slowly get in the water.

In the meantime the federal government needs to be taking a lot more proactive actions to take care of everyone who is affected by this. Frankly, we really should have a UBI implemented that phases out as certain benchmarks are met on a county by county basis.