COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Now this from ER doctors in Bakersfield, CA.
I'm not saying I advocate what these doctors are saying. I'm just putting it out here because I do think it needs to be part of the debate.

Pro: These are medical professionals who are dealing with the virus up front and in person, so their opinions have some validity

Con: They are in a small town, and the reality concerning the subject of the danger of spreading the virus in small towns is very different to the reality of the danger in large cities.

I know this is a story from the news that used a clip from the doctor's youtube video. But is the youtube video really a press conference or is it staged to look like a press conference? Do these doctors who were ER doctors, but opened their own urgent care office really have the ability to even call a press conference to discuss their agenda filled presentation? This doesn't pass the smell test.