COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

The Kern County Health Dept responds:
Looking at their County Dashboard:
They have had a low positive percentage of just under 8% and appear to be very much on their down slope and their peak being about 3 weeks ago.
I could see why they feel being to relax some of the restrictions is in order. I would have to listen to their PC again to see if they were trying to speak of things locally in their community or State/Nation wide policy.

From the article:

Public Health says that in order to flatten the curve and get the county moving again, maintaining social distancing for the time being is essential.

There's that phrasing again, where it is purported that merely "flattening the curve" means everything is all good again, and social distancing measures can relax.

I really wish that health experts, government leaders, and the media would become more responsible with how they convey this message to the mass public. There is a very large segment of our population that will take that message the wrong way.