COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I think that the chatter of us being back in this situation in the winter was enough for people just to say...screw it. And honestly, I don't blame them. We cannot isolate for a year. That's beyond nuts. I'm a medical provider, I want to see people live, but that in my opinion is just not feasible at all and quite honestly, I'm not completely certain if it's in the best interest of our country and public health in the grand scheme of things. I think more conversation needs to take place on how to open up, and how to do it quickly and responsibly as possible under the circumstances. But the "lets continue strict social distancing for another 8 months" is NOT an answer. Find an answer under a realistic set of circumstances.

I mean, I think at this point the go-forward plan is pretty clear, and most politicians are on the same page, give or take. It's going to look like the Texas plan. Phased in, with "pauses" to see what happens. Slowly open nonessential retail, first for curbside only. Open parks and outdoor stuff. Then get people back to their jobs with PPE. Then see where we're at, and if we're good so far, perhaps open retail/restaurants/bars with social distancing measures. No large gatherings until there's a vaccine or very effective treatment.

I'm actually okay with what Texas is doing so far, and I think governer Hot Wheels and Dan Patrick are two of the most awful human beings around.