A lot of us have family that works in healthcare. My wife has to wear a mask all day and she's in administration and not even in a room anymore. She hates it. I think when I think PPE I'm thinking more the cloth variety. I've been wearing a bandana with a Balaclava over top of it when I go places. It's not bad at all.
But you are thinking past where my post was. I'm assuming school is done for this semester. I don't think we can make any decisions on school for another few months. I don't think there's any use in worrying about schools opening in four months right now. We have no idea what things will look like even in a month.
It's a "one thing at a time", then wait and see how it goes, rinse repeat thing. Which really sucks, because I think the most difficult thing for a lot of people is not seeing a finish line. I know it is for me personally.