COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I'm sorry man. One of my daughters, who is very well adjusted started having night terrors this past week. She hasn't seen her friends in months. She use to like school and education. She is becoming more depressed with each passing day with this home school set-up. What we are doing right now simply is NOT sustainable. I'd gladly see my grandpa die for the sake of my children. Call me callus, but it is what it is. I truly believe that are underestimating the psychological ramifications that this has on our country...especially on our children.
This is what I told my son who is having more issues with this than my daughter (who freaking loves this).

I told him, to pick one friend. Someone who's been stuck at home like him. I know they're healthy and not carrying anything. I'm not scared of bringing anything into the house, due to us taking good precautions.

I said, we'd just have a quick chat to make sure that friend hasn't done anything too stupid. They will have to remove their shoes when the first enter. Wash their hands immediately, and we'd probably avoid hugs, but, I'm negotiable on that, so long as they're well washed. I'd still prefer the kids to keep some distance, but I'm not going to freak out too much.

Honestly, me going to work, and doing the shopping is the higher risk to my family. So long as people are being honest, I'm not worried about the kids. This is probably the least germ ridden our children have ever been, if they've been stuck inside mostly.