COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Yep, you're correct there too.

I'm not advocating for forced masks for anyone, except perhaps workers who need to get back to work but whose employers can't set their work area up to where they are properly socially distanced from people. I think where I'm at is that employers are required to set up workspaces where people are properly socially distanced, and keep measures in place where sick people are not allowed to come in and must be asymptomatic for X days. In cases where people can't be socially distanced, masks.

I'd also like to see the government mandate work from home for employees who don't fit certain criteria that make them being in the office essential. I'd like to see this err more on the side of staying home than giving employers room to exploit loopholes, because they will. If there are a percentage point or two of outliers that get mis-classified, so be it.

Very few office workers legitimately need to be in their offices. Those of us who have WFH for a long time already know this, and many others are learning that these days.

But overall, no easy answers.
I like masks in the office, for when you're in confined areas, meetings, or walking around, because things happen in the hallway, and they aren't over 6 ft wide.