COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

As for your question, you can have Covid-19 and influenza at the same time, but it's relatively unlikely. The number of people who do will be a small subset of all those with Covid-19, and of those with both who die, the hypothetical number of them who die entirely from influenza and not at all from Covid-19 would be even smaller, even if it were possible to accurately determine. It's not going to be significant outside highly specific contexts.
Thanks. I was just curious. I used to run a diagnostic lab for plant diseases. They would have these rapid PCR tests that would be run. They would give you a positive or negative result based on a primer that you used.

We found that they had flaws because certain pathogens are just so ubiquitous that they are in almost every sample. When in reality there was a different organism that truly broke the camels back, so to speak.