COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Do any of ya'll saying the kids are doing well live in small apartments and/or urban areas without any green space, though?

Legitimately asking. My kid has been fine and we've been finding ways to burn his energy off. But we have a big house with decent sized backyard with lots to do and in a neighborhood with a ton of green space. I feel unbelievably fortunate and grateful for that right now.
I think there is a adult vs kid :: present vs long term inverse
I think adults have a tendency to downplay setbacks that are staring them (us) in the face where kids can fully express THIS SUCKS I WANT THNGS NORMAL about even the slightest variance
What I assume is that 10 years from
now, kids won’t have deep impact memories (won’t be traumatized) by this like adults will