COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

The fact that we aren't done with this virus already is enough stupidity on it's own. I actually think we'll be alright through the end of the summer. Sometime between Halloween and Christmas is when we this will all come to a head and we'll be looking at a complete collapse. I figure a couple weeks of psuedo normalcy is all the memory capacity the dumb will have to remember any social distancing measures and people will be doing the exact same things they were back in January.

Texas is going to let the stay-at-home emergency order expire at the end of the month without extension. The strategy will shift to 'limited occupancy'.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) will let his stay-at-home order expire this month and allow all retailers, movie theaters, museums, libraries and some health-care businesses to reopen at limited occupancy as part of the first phase of the state’s reopening starting May 1.