COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I read it the other way around. In fact he specifically said that cities and counties can't supersede his removal of face mask requirements. My understanding is he's claiming cities cannot override any of EO. Covid aside, this is yet another overreach by our supposedly "small government" Governor and Lt. Governor. Hypocrites. They are awful. And keep in mind I actually hated the last local rule they overruled(Austin's stupid plastic bag ban). But I hate governmental overreach more.

We'll see how it goes. I said I think it's two weeks too early because we're not seeing any reduction of the curve here, it's mostly just flat. My concern is that once you open up the can of worms it's going to be really hard to get them back in if need be. I don't think Texans are going to react well to re-tightening restrictions if it gets to that point. So let's hope it all works out.

Hopefully heat kills it.

I don't know why that part about Dallas county was put in there. You can say Dallas county mandated that when in public businesses, customers need to wear a facial covering, but they also said no one would be stopped or fined. And I love how they had to put in "Democratic county commissioners". Why does party affiliation matter? Why not also say what race and sex they are too?

I swear there was something in there about Abbott not challenging cities/counties that may not want to allow those businesses to open yet. I guess we'll see.

Watch this summer be one of the coolest Texas has ever experienced in recorded history.