We're screwed either way. Sorry. You can't force people to be confined to their house for extended periods of time...highly unconstitutional. So we are just going to have to deal with some people not wearing PPE when out in the public. Eventually we will have herd immunity...one way or another...whether or not we are flattening the curve or not. That's the type of immunity that occurs when there is not a vaccination present.
N95's are not practical...AT ALL...in your work environment and it's debatable whether or not they are even necessary. N95's have been associated with reduced oxygenation in a few studies. COVID-19 is a disease process of reduced oxygenation. There is a concern of mine that N95's may potentially tip an asymptomatic COVID patient into being symptomatic. I have poor science to back that up...but heck, there this entire COVID-19 situation is built upon questionable at best science to begin with. Anyone who has ever worn an N95 knows that you really heat up with the mask and it's simply not breathable. It really should only be worn in short bursts and in healthcare workers who are at high risk of receiving high viral loads, which seems to be one of the primary mechanisms this disease is killing otherwise healthy and young people.