COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

1. We aren't forcing anyone to stay home against their constitutional rights. We are simply limiting the numbers of people allowed to gather at any given time for the good of public health.

2. N95 masks are not what is being asked for the average person to wear. Those should still be kept for professionals who are trained and able to use them. The guidlines call for users to wear masks which can be homemade and are simply to essentially cover a persons cough or sneeze to limit the infectious spray from individuals onto surfaces and the air.

All of this could have been far more easily dealt with if the people of this country had the fortitude to do one extreme lockdown for a month. If we could agree to do that periodically, until a treatment or vaccine is found, this would all be more manageable. But so many people here only think of themselves or their political ambition or anything other than the common good.