COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

The goal posts haven't moved. We wait until there is a significant enough drop in cases over time that a future spike in cases can be managed without overwhelming hospitals. Some places meet that criteria and beginning to open up. It's the ones who don't meet that criteria and are opening up anyway that could become a real problem.

No one here, or anywhere else that I'm aware of has suggested a lockdown until a vaccine is developed.

Yeah, and the question becomes when have we really reached that point? I really thought that the LA Governor was going to say we were there yesterday, but he surprised most people by saying that the numbers don't reflect that state wide and that we still can't test enough to meet the threshold for starting Phase 1. I suspected the lack of testing was going to be an issue, but I didn't not think that the number of cases would be an issue since LA has been on a steep decline for weeks. But, apparently there were two regions of the state that had either hit a plateau but not declined or had not even hit the plateau so he kept us closed. So, I guess it's all in how you look at the numbers. Do you look at the state as a whole or do you look at each region of the state and require them all to be in decline for two weeks? Much like to you look at the country as a whole or do you look at specific regions.

I don't really know the answer. I suspect this was more about just giving it another two weeks to be as safe as possible, but I don't have access to the all the information and experts that the Governor does. And, in the end although we work under a federal system with each state, parish, county, city having it's own governments, it's not like the virus knows or cares anything about political subdivisions. Those lines don't exist to a virus.