COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

That's fair and I can go with that interpretation. As irritated as I am with the extension by the governor, I can follow along because I can make the argument for it along those terms, especially since it was so severe in this region.I'm not getting truly upset yet. But you don't have to look far even in this thread for examples of the confusion in expectations. I have the conversation with people I know almost every day. They expect to be protected and that is really not realistic.

The fact is that once the medical infrastructure is caught up and ready for another surge, which most signs are pointing to us being there or close to it, people will have to decide for themselves how they will live their lives. It may actually be a much broader psychological and philosophical and perhaps spiritual question.

Yeah, I don't disagree that some expect us to wait until the entire country is at zero cases which is unrealistic. And sure, at some point we are going to have to live with the fact that it will come down to whether people are willing to limit their activities for the benefit of others or their own self-preservation. Some will look to morality while others will look more to practicality and spirituality. Still others won't care either way and go on like nothing happened.

But, I would feel a whole lot better about opening up if people showed even the slightest ability to restrain themselves without being told to do so by the government. Sure many people will, but every time I have to go out, I see far too many people doing things that risk the lives of others and, in the long term, themselves. And, at the same time, people who are at higher risk, will have to be extra careful to not put themselves in situations that put themselves at risk because the reality is that at some point we do have to start opening and some people are not going to take fairly simple and minimally invasive precautions to avoid hurting others.