COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Yeah, I don't disagree that some expect us to wait until the entire country is at zero cases which is unrealistic. And sure, at some point we are going to have to live with the fact that it will come down to whether people are willing to limit their activities for the benefit of others or their own self-preservation. Some will look to morality while others will look more to practicality and spirituality. Still others won't care either way and go on like nothing happened.

But, I would feel a whole lot better about opening up if people showed even the slightest ability to restrain themselves without being told to do so by the government. Sure many people will, but every time I have to go out, I see far too many people doing things that risk the lives of others and, in the long term, themselves.

I understand, but that can be applied to just about every action we take in life. So maybe going forward you make the decision to avoid certain areas or circumstances or activities because your judgement suggests it's not a good idea.

Also, fwiw, everyone I see in Nola is taking precaution, some of them to an obviously irrational extent.