COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Good point. I had forgotten that YouTube uses algorithms to remove content. Given the amount of content, there is really no other way to do it in order to not allow stuff like porn and copyrighted materials on their site. And I'm sure they don't want to be a source of disinformation so I have no issue with them excluding any content they deem harmful since they are a private business. And, they aren't and don't pretend to be journalists or a news organization. They are just a conduit to get videos in a single place that allows the content creators to get more views.
We can complain about "the media," but the internet has produced a lot of misinformation with almost no editorial oversight. And there doesn't seem to be much law concerning posting whatever nonsense you want to on the interwebs. I believe that libel and slander is difficult to prove, but internet falsehoods would seem even more elusive in that regard.

Medical and indeed academic work is peer reviewed if it is to be considered worthwhile. The lack of editorial input on the internet does not seem to be leading readers to reliable information in a lot of cases and instead appears to be spreading a lot of balderdash.