COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Hiya Friends,

Haven't been here since a while. mainly because I was during the last months extremly busy. (Normal Day2Day job) + with building and coaching our (under 19y) Youth American Football Team here in Hamburg Germany.
As our season normally should have started 2 weeks ago. We do have a very good team together and should have a fair chance reaching the Youth German Bowl this year.

But... here we are
All what we currently can do is to run Videosessions 4times a week and send our players new selfmade Video drills and instructions to stay fit at home.

However, the situation in Germany is definitly not as severe as it seems to be for the US.
Its heartbreaking to hear those news from your country and state and especially at it seems that (Again) mainly the poor und less financial fortunate minorities are affected the most.
I can only highly recommend to take this serious and act with common sense.
The harder and disciplined you act for some weeks, the higher the chance to go back to a somewhat normality soon.

Sending best whishes and thoughts from Germany.