The "I'm American and nobody is gonna tell me what to do" attitude is the dumbest way to act during this pandemic. So many think that way, its unfortunate.
That seems to be the motto of the city and county we live in. It's a very heavy R voting area. There's a very cavalier attitude towards the restrictions, tinged with believing civil liberties are being violated. We'll just stay home like we have been. Let the guinea pigs go out to eat, not wear facial coverings in public and continue to watch the number of new cases increase.
Last night 1 friend who has this cavalier attitude was saying how out of 329 mill people in this country, only 0.003% have tested positive so what's the big deal. I told him the problem with his math is the sample size is puny and no conclusions should be drawn until testing ramps up significantly to give a clearer picture.