COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Okay, even if the CDC was shown to be wrong, why SHOULD they lose funding? We NEED scientists researching viruses and analyzing data. We NEED researchers tracking viral hotspots around the planet. We NEED technicians going out into the field and retrieving samples. We NEED coordinators coming up with contingency plans in the event of a outbreak.

IMO, what SHOULD happen IF the CDC was found to have covered something up, is that the Administrators who made that decision should be FIRED, rather than defund the entire CDC organization.

My facetious response to your post was to highlight the “cutting ones nose off to spite your face“ aspect of defunding the CDC.

Defunding the CDC is NOT going to make our future better. Viruses will still exist, and we will still need to study them and plan accordingly.

Because the CDC has a job to do which ideally has nothing to do with politics. It’s science based (imagine that) and works off of evidence. The CDC was pushed tot the side on this also in favor of political lackeys. There was a pandemic plan, it simply wasn’t followed.

People expect perfection out of groups. Look, find someone to have something like this dropped on their laps. The first time a novel virus has shown up like this in 100 years. Of course the message will be inconsistent as the situation develops. It’s not static, things come and go, more information is learned, some which may be contradictory, and some which doesn’t fit social media and TV experts.

This simply goes back to the CDC not being a mouth piece for the administration, and the republicans in general wanting to dismantle public services to benefit corporations and the 1%.