I just saw this movie for the first time a couple years ago.
I liked it
If I had seen it when it came out or was a baseball fan I probably would have liked it more, but I enjoyed the movie
This guy just seems like a hater
“If you build it, he will come.”
Thirty years after the release of “Field of Dreams,” it’s time for a major reassessment.
Sorry, all you folks who view baseball — and this movie — as some sort of timeless metaphor for connecting to your past and understanding what America is really all about.
In reality, it’s just another terrible film.
If you can somehow get past all the factual errors and horrible casting — Ray “Goodfellas” Liotta as Shoeless Joe Jackson? — you realize this is nothing more than an epic helping of corniness, passed off as some of ethereal fantasy that gets to the deeper meaning of life, which apparently is nothing more than the chance to play one more game of catch with your athletically challenged dad.
Like so many people, I remember gushing over “Field of Dreams” after it was released on April 21, 1989, but that was also a time when I still clung to the schmaltzy belief — pushed by folks such as George Will and Bob Costas — that baseball was more than a sport. It was the national pastime, a slow-moving game that somehow managed to epitomize all that is great about our country on a patch of grass and dirt marked by 90-foot paths.......................