COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't wear masks or that we should immediately have large gatherings. But the goal was never to be able to do so without spreading the disease. That's an unrealistic expectation. The goal was to make sure the medical infrastructure could handle an outbreak. We passed that test with flying colors and only saw a fraction of what we were told we would. We can't stay at home waiting for there to be no risk. That will literally never happen.
A robust testing and tracing system in place to manage the virus after a sustained reduction in cases over a period of weeks is also part of that formula.

...We aren’t anywhere near that, and neither is pretty much all of the country.

The CDC is now revising up their estimates due to lifting restrictions early and predict over 100,000 deaths by early June. Predicting an upper bound of around 3,000 deaths a day

There is a vast chasm between flinging the doors open and literally waiting til every case is gone. When the most qualified people in the country are asked to build a model for what the optimal path forward is, the above pillars are what they seem to universally agree upon. I continue to wonder what it is people might suggest for why such prescriptions should be set aside or replaced by some other prescription?