COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Just to be clear, the US is not leading the world in deaths per Capita, and it’s not even close compared to the worst hit countries in Europe. I believe this site updates their data daily, these numbers are as of 5/4.

Confirmed deaths (absolute)Population (in millions)Deaths per millionPopulation Density (pop/mi2)Deaths per mill / Pop density
United Kingdom28,44666.49427.837100.60
United States67,580327.17206.56872.38

I think a factor that is left out is population density. So I added that as a factor to your chart. I then divided the deaths/million by the population density per sqmi to get a factor that accounts for both. Looking at this we have Sweden which chose to do no lockdown with the worst death/million to population density factor. That should be expected as the "do nothing, herd immunity" plan was never going to get the best outcome. That is followed by the US in 2nd and Spain in 3rd.

I think it is reasonable to say the US has had the 2nd worst response by a first world country. Our delayed testing and delayed actions on closing public transportation, schools, churches, and businesses are most likely the reason for this.