COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Thanks for posting these. I was do you get the trends on the JHU website by county. I'm able to get the overview of cases and deaths, but not the trends. Thanks
This is the State of Florida dash board. It's not John Hopkins, they just use the same software.
Then click on the tab, cases by county.. I don't like that they got rid of the "full time length" chart, when you can go back to Feb. Now it's just the last 30 days for the aggregate data.


Now, in Miami, the city is allowing anyone to get tested, symptoms or not, form what I understand, I'm not shocked that the %positive is going down more. But, we've been hovering around 9-10%, with symptomatic people.



Duval. Not loving that small upward tick, but we're still talking 15-20 cases a day.


I"m being goofy.. but they have a new health metrics, that you can do on the aggregate or by county... ED (Emergency Departments... not the other visits down is the best news.
