COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

You really don't like this mayor.

When you find something she does or says that doesn't express contempt for taxpaying, rule following New Orleanians, you let me know. But this isn't about her in particular. She's just another face filling a perpetually corrupt and laughably egotistical office. I love New Orleans. And I also hate it. If you don't do both you're not a healthy person and I truly believe that. Right now, at the mercy of our local governmental powers, there's way more to hate than not.

During the last 7 weeks I've gotten out of the house as much as possible. Most of the time it's meant leaving Orleans Parish. And apparently those other times I've been violating rules that are only now being expressed in the last two days. What a joke.