COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I am loathe to let anyone...government, employer, etc. know what I'm doing and where I'm doing it. However, for the greater good of the public, I downloaded the app to facilitate tracing. When things go back to semi-normal, I can delete the app and go back to my private, hermit ways! I'm not sure being traced or having to write your name in a business log is worth getting your panties in a wad. There are a lot more serious issues to be upset and concerned about.
Use an android based phone? Have any google products? Have Facebook products? If so, don’t worry about it. They can already tell when you went to the restroom, your favorite food, more than likely what you had for dinner, your entire friend circle etc. all the app is doing is asking for your permission to do something with the data they are already collecting.

But as my daughter says who would know these things says. They don’t care who kiwisaint who lives on 123 koala bear lane is. You’re just a randomized data point. They use the history and tracking to suggest things to purchase based on your previous purchases and trend history. They follow you when you travel to suggest gas, food and sites to visit. But as far as you they don’t care.

Now Facebook is a creepy company and my daughter has nothing to do with them. They do actively listen and eavesdrop.