COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Yesterday I posted the Louisiana Comorbidity data. New York makes it a bit harder to grab the data, but here it is, by age. It's interesting to see where the shift happens in age. If I get time, I'll try to convert all of this into percentages.

Under the age of 20, they had 2 deaths. The youngest had hypertension, the one between 10-19 had diabetes.

Diabetes is the top comorbidity until you hit 40. Even from 30-40, hypertension becomes a big factor. Under 29, Diabetes is the primary one.

At 40 -49 Hypertension, followed by Diabetes are the top two, then Renal Disease pops up. Hyperlipidemia also pops up (probably just true for that age bracket as a whole)

50-59 those same four comorbidities are running with hypertension and diabetes being far and away the top comorbidities.

The higher age groups are similar, except you add in more significant hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, Dimentia, COPD, and all the others.

I'm not a doctor, but I'd say, this makes sense. The 'crashing' we see is due to oxygen delivery suffering. So, I believe High blood pressure, and clearly hyperlipidemia/coronary artery disease, impact our oxygen delivery system in the body. I found this, which is about air pressure, but having high blood pressure limits the body's ability to adjust to being in low air pressure at high altitudes. Sounds like Exercise and diet could save a lot of lives. @sammymvpknight any thoughts to this? I'd also imaging doing anything to increase lung capacity would help. I remember doing a test on our lungs before and after playing our wind instruments in band.


