COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I mean if people want to restart the economy and move into Phase One and then Phase Two as quickly as possible some sacrifices have to be made, not only in terms of lives, but also in terms of you individual privacy. And frankly, writing your name and number on a piece of paper at a store is a lot less of a sacrifice to make than those who will die because we decided that allowing people to make a living was worth an increase in deaths.

So, I guess take your pick. Keep the economy closed or be willing to live with very small intrusions into your privacy and inconveniences.
Sacrifices? Moi? I would have quoted your whole excellent post but wanted to focus on this portion. I am so disappointed that Americans were able to follow some rules until it became alledgedy inconvenient. Why is it so intrusive to put on a dust mask--and that's all you need--to protect others? Most of us would do that if we were sanding a board to protect ourselves. But, no, we can't make a nano-sacrifice to protect others and impede the spread of a disease for which there is barely a treatment, no cure, and no vaccine. :jpshakehead: :rant: