Will the 2020 season be canceled?

True but this thing has killed more Americans in two months than the Vietnam War and with some states starting to reopen without meeting certain benchmarks the projections by August is over 100,000 which is World War I territory. Moreover, the herd immunity scenario, with no vaccine, could lead to over a million deaths or more to get the 60-70% exposure to meet that threshold. The probability of a full season is very low, and the chance of fans in the stands is even lower.
There is not going to be a vaccine for a couple years. It takes a long time to develop one, and get it through regulation and testing. Just as your death tolls are using inflated figures, you cannot compare that to a war. That is a straw-man argument. Not to mention, if you look at the recent tests, 17-23% of the population ALREADY has antibodies to this "new" virus. So how long has this virus actually been here?

Not to mention, the whole 'social-distancing' is probably going to cause more issues in the long run, than it is going to help. Yes, people who are 'at-risk' need to be careful, and use gloves and masks. For the rest of us, it is going to LOWER our immunity to all diseases and tertiary infections.