COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

The fact that we are even having a discussion about how bad the far end of each political group (cult) has gone over the edge in a thread about a global pandemic... tells you that... Yes... both sides need to be burned to the ground, and are equally insane.

I am so burnt out hearing one side insanely claim we need to keep the whole country closed, and the other equally insane side claim that we need to open up everything...

Both sides are equally dumb, and equally harmful in different ways...

It's time for some common sense driven decisions to be made, and the partisan hacks, crows. and sheep herds on both sides need to shut up.

There is no "one size fits all" - "everyone needs to do this" solution here... Places like Tensas Parish can open now... Places like Orleans Parish need to wait. Not sure why this can't be understood from either side.

Places that do open up need to implement best practices in necessary travel, sanitation and distancing. Our most vulnerable people (Elderly and Pre-existing condition folks) need to stay quarantined and be taken care of by the healthy people that are not at risk. Healthy people that have little to no chance of dying from this, need to be put back to work in areas where the virus has not been an issue, and the Healthcare system is not under pressure.

This doesn't have to be a "black or white" decision of KIll People, or Kill the Economy... this is an asinine - shortsighted - ignorant discussion and standpoint on either side.

We do not have a Vaccine, we will not have one for the foreseeable future... We will have to live with this virus... We can't hide from it (just read Gov. Cuomo said 66% of his NY Covid patients have gotten the virus while staying home) ... Most of us will get it... the question is not if... but when? And how do we manage it so we don't swamp the hospitals? And how do we protect the people most likely to die from it?

Everything else is partisan BS... and I am sick of all of it.
and i'm sure there are plenty who are just as mad at those who struggle with false equivalency