COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Fauci's been getting death threats from the left?
Or is it leftist agitators who're doing heavily armed protests?
I missed the part where Haight-Ashbury is rioting because tattoo parlors are closed.
This isn't a "both sides" issue, don't pretend that it is.
One orange person and his pet 'news' network are the ones pushing this.
I don’t know, and don’t really care. So much BS thrown all over the place that I don’t even care really...left/right thing is so full of stupid that it is not even worth the effort. Honestly, I like to take other sides or different angles to see what people think not because I have some actual opinion on the issue but to see how a person responds. I have many thoughts and beliefs that don’t fit this left/right clown party.
Mass media is also full of subversion of people and covering politicians who typically don't give a two sheets in the wind about the common person. I guess I am just cynic.