COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)
Costco is doing the right thing. These selfish, uncaring jerks who refuse to wear a mask need to be put in their place. And that place is outside the store. I'm glad she won't shop at Costco any more. I'll feel safer since I won't be breathing in her droplets though my mask.
It's not political; it's a matter of public safety and order. You stop at a red light or a stop sign. That's not an impediment to your freedom. I live in a town that could renamed "Four Way Stop Town." It's annoying, but it's the law--and it's a lot more annoying than wearing a mask. We sacrifice a lot of things for the sake of order and public safety. Do these yahoos suggest that we ignore traffic restrictions?
We live in a society, and that means that my freedom to swing my arm ends with the person next to me's nose. To me, not wearing a mask in a building under these circumstances is tantamount to an assault with a microscopic weapon.